Finding Plants

Common plants

 There are different varieties of flower-plant seeds to grow in the botanical garden. You can find common flower- seeds in the general store. To plant these seeds, you have to dig the hole using a shovel. The best place to plant seeds is the botanical garden.

Common Plants seeds will get in the General store we can buy it.

  Common Flower plants


Uncommon plants And Rare plants

Some uncommon and rare flower plants are brought by the sea traveler to the town. You simply have to purchase these flower plants from them or you can do plant breeding.

We can also do the Mutation of Plant and Plant Breedings to grow uncommon plants and rare plants.

                                                       Uncommon Flower plants


   Rare Flower plants

Very Rare plants

Fortune teller comes in the town and they tell us about a rare seed.

You can get Very Rare seeds from Fortune Teller. You can watch it in this video:-

Fortune Teller Quest - IN VIRTUAL TOWN

Very Rare Flower plants

Note:- With Mutation Liquid we can get Jalapa Tree.

Related Topics:-

Virtual Town

(Refer this for other topics of Virtual Town) 
