Open cloth Shop

In our town, there are two shops:- 1) General Store   2) Cloth Shop 

General Store is opened from the start but we need to open Cloth Shop. So, to open the cloth shop, we need to increase the town's beauty level by up to 46%. At this percentage, a new member also arrives in the town. After completing the project of the bridge at 36%, now you have to reach 46% for the new member. For that, we have to clean the town by cutting grass, pulling weeds, collecting plastic cans, and breaking the stones, etc. After completing 46%, a new member arrives in town and after that, the cloth shop gets opened. 

We can buy clothes, spectacles, and shoes from this shop. You can first try wearing these items and then buy them. 

And for wearing this cloth you can just drag cloth on you (this cloth is present in your tool tray). And these items keep on changing every few days. The Cloth shop opens in the morning at 8.00 a.m till night at 10 p.m. 

Note:- Just by drag this cloth from tool tray you can wear this cloth or you can also put this cloth on the townsfolk or on your kid.

Related Topics:-

General Store 

Town Hall 



Cinema Hall

Virtual Town

(Refer this for other topics of Virtual Town) 
