Train the child

As we know, you have to adopt a kid in this game. Your kid will become the town's Mayor after your retirement. So you have to train the kid. Mostly, at the age of 10, the kid asks for learning. So first, you have to choose any of these three:-   

  •  Learn Town Maintenance
  •  Learn Farming        
  •  Learn Bug Catching

The kid will learn the task that you have chosen to train him/her, by watching you when you do that task. You have to perform the task when your kid is near you, then only the kid will learn it. After learning, the kid will themself tell you that he/she has learned it. Then, you can ask your kid for help in that particular task. But the kid will only work with you, he/she doesn't work alone. Sometimes, when you talk to the kid, you can see the 'Watch and Learn' option. That means you have not yet train them, in that case, you have to teach them for the particular task (If you don't know the particular task, then show him/her all the tasks. While performing the task, observe the kid you can see for a particular task he/she will be learning i.e. you can see sparks around the kid while he/she is learning). Then teach them till they learn and later on, you can ask them for help. Further, you have to teach them all the tasks in the above similar way.


After learning, the kid can dig the holes and plant the seeds. For that, you should have more seeds in your tool tray for doing this task with your kid. So, purchase more seeds from the general store. Kids usually don't plant the last two seeds while farming. Kids can remove the veggies after harvesting. Kids can pick fruits that are fallen from the fruit-tree. 

Town Maintenance

The kids will fill the holes with you but most of the time they will fill the nearby holes or the same hole which you are filling. They can pick plastic can, boxes with you. When you ask him/her for help, they will go and pull the weeds. In the case of pulling weeds, you have to first pull a weed then only the kid will pull the other weed after you. They never cut grass, dig muddy areas, break rocks, and cut the trees.   

Catching Bugs

They try to catch the bugs.

Note:-  The kid has their own tools. They don't use your tools while performing the task.

Related Topics:-

Build Your House 

Town Hall 

Adoption of kid

Food For Town People 

Virtual Town

(Refer this for other topics of Virtual Town) 
