Helping townsfolk

Sometimes, town people need some items for which they request you for help. When town people need something from you, you can see a yellow exclamatory sign above them. You just have to go near them and click on that person. The person will tell us what they want from us. At that time, you should help them or not, depends on your choice. When you give them their required item, they also give you a return gift. 

Town people usually ask for bugs, minerals, plants, or brass tools. They never ask for silver or golden tools. In return, they give you any minerals or any house decoration items. You can help them when you have that required item and that item should be kept in the tool tray for helping town people.
When you ask the person for what item they need, if it is present in your tool tray you can give them. If it's not, then that item highlights above the person's head. So that you can give the item to that person later on.    

Sometimes, town people ask you to give a certain item to the other member of the town. Those items can be chair, beds, etc. Those items will add to your tool tray. Also that items look blur in the tool tray. You can find that person to whom you want to give by just looking at that item image highlighting above the person.

Helping town people helps you to increase their heart level meter. The heart meter means how much your friendship is developing with them. You can see their heart meter while talking with them as shown in the below image. 

A person with a high percentage of Heart level gives us a gift i.e." Token of our Friendship "

Note:- Next morning they will forget the items they asked you for help. If you do not help them, the heart level of the town people gets affected.

Related Topics:-

Virtual Town

(Refer this for other topics of Virtual Town) 
